
Thursday 24 October 2013


Hi everyone!

As per the title of this post, you would be pleased to know that we have been getting up to a few shenanigans - pretty much expressly so that we have some fun things to update you all on. :)

Things have been going well - we are so blessed! And very thankful for everything that God has provided us with over here. Especially at the moment, we are very thankful for a toasty warm home - the temperatures have plummeted over here, so it is now boot, scarf, hat and glove weather already. There was even a bit of snow the other day - however it was a little more sleety, didn't settle on the ground at all. All the trees have been changing gorgeous colours, so last week Josh and I went for a walk and took a couple of pictures. 

This is just down the road from our apartment.

We also went with some friends last Saturday on a fall outing to a farm kinda place where they had a bunch of interesting animals, a pumpkin field and a corn maze. : )  

Yes, there was a camel in the middle of the Illinois countryside, random but true.
And he really liked Josh. I think he liked having someone who he could look in the eye. 

Oh yeah, and a tortoise. 

So that's an update on some of our shenanigans! Josh has finished his exams for the time being - and received one of his grades back yesterday - which he passed with flying colours! We are very thankful!

Monday 14 October 2013

Hi all!

Heya everyone,

Things are continuing to chug along for us here. There isn't too much to report to be honest. We were blest to have the opportunity to house sit last week - which is always quite nice, it felt a little like a holiday for us, and a bit of a change of scenery so that was pretty fun. 

Josh has continued to have exams - last week he had Church History, and felt that it went pretty well. I think that he still has a few more over the next couple of weeks. It's in some respects nice that they are spread out a bit so he can really sink his teeth into studying for each exam. 

I know that I always seem to talk about the weather - haha - but it's continuing to cool down over here, and I am really enjoying it! All the trees are starting to change colour and they are so pretty. And it is super nice to step outside and there is a real chill in the air. This morning it was 7 degrees (celsius) when Josh left - and I checked the weather report and it is due to get down to 2 degrees later in the week! :D Exciting. Haha we'll see how long that excitement lasts for. 

I have been continuing to teach art classes to the homeschooling kids and it has been a lot of fun. We have been learning a bit about animation, so last week we made Thaumatropes. I even did a video to show you! :D So that was pretty fun. :)

I was reading my devotional today - currently I'm using two, haha they are both really good! One is called The Quiet Place, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, and the other is called 'At the Feet of Jesus' by Joanna Weaver. They are both very good I'd recommend them. Today the one from Joanna Weaver's really struck me, so I thought that I'd share it with you here:

"One of the most powerful testimonies I've ever heard came from David Ring, and evangelist born with cerebral palsy. "Why Mama?" David used to ask his mother when school kids teased him. "Why did I have to be born this way?" Although exceptionally bright, he was caught in a body that wouldn't do his bidding and was constantly tripped up by a stuttering tongue. 
God gave that sweet mother incredible wisdom as she taught her son that perhaps why wasn't the best question after all. 
"Asking why is like going to a well with a bucket and coming up empty every time," she told him. Instead, she said, the question should be, "What can I become?"
What a powerful, life-changing concept for all of us, especially when we're trapped and tripped up by the whys of life. Because when it comes right down to it, life is full of questions that don't have adequate answers.
Such questions haunted my young friend Tom. Though he loved Jesus, he struggled with the whys of his difficult life. 
But one day he showed me his Bible and a verse he'd underlined. "Now I know why my life is the way it is," Tom said. Pointing to the story of the man who had been born blind, Tom read John 9:3 aloud: "This happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."
Oh that we all might have a vision to see beyond the misery of what is to the miracle of what we can become."   ~Joanna Weaver, 'At the Feet of Jesus'

This message really struck me. My Nana lived most of her life struggling with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Although the pain she experienced from this crippling disease must have caused her more pain than she ever let on, she allowed God to use her epic ways. Her testimony to others was that she handed over her life to Him, despite the pain, despite being seemingly so physically restricted, I saw that God used her so amazingly. Especially in being a blessing to other people and caring for them. What an awesome witness of what God is capable of doing with us in spite of our weaknesses. 

Although no where near as debilitating as what my Nana faced - Josh and I have had to come to terms over the past 8 years with not being able to have children. And too often I found myself asking why on earth God would withhold this blessing from us. However, what we instead have to learn, is that "this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in our lives". I hope that will be the case! Because in writing that, it's amazing to think of what an honour it is to be called to that. :) But we are works in progress, I can't begin to tell you how long it has taken me to get to the point where I acknowledge that. Hopefully God will continue to gently teach me more and more every day - like He already has been. I'm very thankful to Him for His patience with me! I'm sure we all have burdens like this that we are struggling to bear. I hope that you can learn to find a similar perspective to this - because it really is liberating. I assure you. :)

Well, that is all for now - hopefully will get to take some autumn photos for you over the next week and see if I can get them posted up. Take care everyone!

Friday 4 October 2013

Update Time

I'm not very good at blogging.

It should be obvious by the fact that I haven't actually posted anything in the past 2 months. It would also be obvious had you observed me delete my opening sentence four times before I just gave up and changed tack. My words never seem eloquent. I have to avoid re-reading them because I tend to delete everything I write on second glance. Pardon me for any spelling mistakes you may see - I no longer proof-read my work.

I have been humbled recently by realising just how little of my progress has anything to do with me. Had I relied on my own strength these past two months I would know a lot less than I do now. I am becoming more and more frustrated by my own lack of wisdom and understanding and yet, the more that happens, the more I am forced to rely on the Lord for His strength and His wisdom. It is really quite a strange process.

One of the tensions 'us seminary students' tend to struggle with is how to work out our faith while also trusting in the Lord and not leaning on our own understanding. We are called to be students and to wrestle with theology and all the -isms which accompany it. Yet our hope is not to be found in our intelligence (or lack thereof) but instead on the Christ. Our foundation is him.

When we consider how we might be useful in the Lord's hands; when we dream dreams and plan plans; when we lay foundations and raise walls, we must ensure that all this is done in His strength.

You see, it becomes a bitter-sweet balance. When you ask the question 'how can we reach more people as a church?' or 'how can I become a better speaker?' you tend to immediately take things into your own hands. The programs you come up with may be good. The techniques you use may also be great. But the bottom line is that nothing you do, no matter how fantastic and ground-breaking the idea may be, will bear any fruit unless God decides to make the seed grow. Yet you can't just sit on your hands either because to do so would be dishonouring to Him who actually gave us a purpose in the first place.

Should we as Christians aspire to great things? Definitely! The Lord calls us to make disciples of all nations. How is that not a great aspiration?? Seems to me that, as far as goals go, that one kinda surpasses anything that I've considered doing - I find it hard even imagining how that is possible. Yet in the Lord all things are possible. I guess that is the key here though isn't it. The focus is on the Lord not on us.

We should take care in our work; pursue excellence in all the tasks we do; build buildings and develop programs which testify to the world that we value our Lord. Second best is not good enough for Him - and even our best is only good enough because He makes it so.

Having told you all that I'm not great at blogging I would like to at the very least give you all a taste of some of the great things I have and will be reading and interacting with over my time here at seminary. I will endeavor to be more frequent with the posts but they will tend to be excerpts from my reading with short comments regarding why I think they're great or interesting.

Below is a short excerpt from Spurgeon which my pastor emailed through to meditate on.



C. H. Spurgeon
The Mighty Magnet

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32)

Come, ye workers, be encouraged. You fear that you cannot draw a congregation. Try the preaching of a crucified, risen, and ascended Savior; for this is the greatest "draw" that was ever yet manifested among men. What drew you to Christ but Christ? What draws you to Him now but His own blessed self? If you have been drawn to religion by anything else, you will soon be drawn away from it; but Jesus has held you and will hold you even to the end. Why, then, doubt His power to draw other? Go with the name of Jesus to those who have hitherto been stubborn and see if it does not draw them.

No sort of man is beyond this drawing power. Old and young, rich and poor, ignorant and leaned, depraved or amiable—all men shall feel the attractive force. Jesus is the one magnet. Let us not think of any other. Music will not draw to Jesus, neither will eloquence, logic, ceremonial, or noise. Jesus Himself must draw men to Himself; and Jesus is quite equal to the work in every case. Be not tempted by the quackeries of the day; but as workers for the Lord work in His own way, and draw with the Lord's own cords. Draw to Christ, and draw by Christ, for then Christ will draw by you.

My seminary on the left-hand-side next to a bean field.
You can seem me taking the photo between the shadows!

Monday 30 September 2013

September Update! (Finally)

Allo allo!
Well, it has been a busy month (September was anyway), and we can't really believe how time has been flying by. One thing we do know however is that it is about time we gave you all an update! 

Josh's story is currently pretty straight forward - he is studying. Ha ha, that hasn't really changed. He has a couple of exams this week, and in the weeks ahead - so he is just really focusing on that and making sure that he has things clear in his head. Primarily he has been focusing on the languages. Greek he found relatively straight forward to learn - and I think that his year at Uni studying Latin perhaps helped a little with that. Hebrew has been trickier, especially as the characters are new too. Thankfully, there are a couple of guys in his class who have already learnt Hebrew, and are good teachers themselves - so he has been able to study with them which has been a great help. He seems to be able to cover more ground that way, and because they can test him on it it speeds up his learning process a lot. 

As for me, I have been (mostly) keeping out of mischief. ;) As I have perhaps mentioned in my last post I have been volunteering as an art teacher each week for a homeschooling group. This has been really fun - they are a great group of kids, and boy do they have amazing imaginations! Ha ha! I was working with the 3-7 year olds last week drawing a imaginary trip that we had thought up - I got them to think of a place they wanted to travel too, how they were going to get there, and who they were going to see. One very creative young man was flying to Canada in a jet plane, which was being attacked by missiles from all directions (he's only 4, and you know what - his drawing was very good). It's interesting seeing what the boys come up with in comparison to the girls. :D

Each fortnight on a Thursday morning I have also been helping out taking care of a bunch of about 8-10 3 and 4 year olds for an hour and a half while their Mum's go to Bible study. That is definitely an interesting challenge! They are super cute, but it is an age group that I haven't worked with much before, and they are quite different! We have been working on the Armour of God - which is lots of fun. So each time we are making different parts of the armour. Last week we made helmet masks so they put their masks on and then to occupy them for a while we did things that soldiers do. So marching, riding horses (more fun than pretending to be in a jeep or tank ha ha), flying in aeroplanes, and then by that time I was exhausted, so I said that the other thing that soldiers do is sleep so they can recoup their energy - so I managed to get them lying down for about 5 seconds before we were up marching again. : ) The week where we make swords is going to be an interesting one...

I have also had the opportunity to start up some piano lessons again! I figured out that I haven't actually had lessons since I was about 13 - which is slightly scary, but I have kept up playing. So we thought that this is something that we could invest in that may come in useful in the future. It has been really great to learn again. Unfortunately we don't have a piano (I don't think there is any way we could get one into our flat anyway, ha ha) however some very generous people from church have said that I can go around to their place any time and use their piano to practice on. Plus I was given a little keyboard that I can use at home to practice with when I can't make it to the piano. Generous people huh!
Piano practice time!
The trees are all changing colours over here now - and the weather has been a lot cooler - and actually really nice over the past couple of weeks. Although the weekend was unseasonably warm. 

Morning walk - doesn't really look that different from NZ huh? :)

I also got to go with another lady from church last week to the Westfield Mall that they have over here. We just had a mooch around the stores and stopped for a coffee. In the middle of this mall they have a full sized, double story merry-go-round! It's pretty cool. 

So otherwise it's been nice to have time to spend with people from Seminary and church, there are some very very cool people over here, and we are so thankful for the opportunity to get to know them better! Experiencing their generosity and thoughtfulness has been a massive learning curve for us - in so far as learning to graciously accept it, as well as hopefully learning how to do it ourselves. So that, Lord willing when we are in a position to be able to be generous in the future we will be able to do so in a similar way to these people. Unrestrainedly. 

I was also given a ticket to attend a conference the other weekend - so a lady from church who was going took me along. It was really encouraging and challenging stuff. With a focus on being thoughtful and loving towards others from a Biblical perspective - and selflessly giving of our time and gifts to other people. As you can see - it was challenging! But we got to hear Paul Tripp, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Susan Hunt and Elyse Fitzpatrick - all who have written books that I have read, so it was pretty cool to be able to actually get to hear them speak. They were all really good. Very humble people - which was pretty cool. 

You can tell it's Autumn (or Fall) over here when all the Pumpkin flavoured stuff starts coming out. Not to mention all the Halloween decorations show up in people's front yards. I got to try some of these cookies at someone's house, and managed to discover them on sale at the store this morning - so I nabbed some. They are soooooo delicious. The American's know how to do good cookies, that's for sure. Good for Josh to be able to snack on while he's studying huh. I was thinking of him. ;)

In the meantime we can say that we are still so thankful and feel very privileged to be over here. We are being massively blest by being able to live here and experience the culture and build relationships over here. Plus the seminary is so great - Josh is learning a lot and is enjoying his studies. We have a lot to be thankful for! Speaking of thankfulness - Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple of months and we are really looking forward to celebrating that for the first time. :)

Right well, that's about everything up-to-date for now. I promise that I will try and be a little more regular, but our lives are kind of ticking along in a routine now, so there isn't much that is newsworthy right at this moment, however you never know from week to week what could happen. ;)

Monday 16 September 2013

Life goes on...

Well, we are still here! We are surviving and continuing to enjoy the USA. Things have started to get busy as Josh's studies continue to intensify, and I get some more commitments. 

There has been a bit of change in temperature over the past week, and despite having highs in the 30's last week, Friday dropped to 18 degrees as the high, and we are now mostly in the 20's - which has actually been really nice! It means we can ditch the aircon, and just have the windows open. So we'll make the most of that until the cold really sets in!

Last weekend we had an amazing opportunity to go and visit California for a few days. Some very good and generous friends from the US/NZ were over there, and they gave us flights to go and visit with them. We were super thankful for the opportunity to spend time with them, and it was cool to see another part of the States. It was also nice to have a short time away together, probably for the last time in a long time as Josh's studies won't allow it from now on (which is fine, because we are here to study anyway) - but it was such a treat to be able to visit. The Californian coast was beautiful (just like in the movies hehe) and it was really nice to see the beach again. 

It was amazing to see how different the landscape was in comparison to Indiana - I'll give you a bit of a run-down:


-  Flat
-  Farmland
-  Green
-  Big trees - like oaks etc
-  Farm style houses, made of wood, or brick

Orange County, California:
-  Hills
-  Colorful flowering gardens
-  Palm Trees & Eucalyptus
-  Rocky scrub hills (which kind of reminded me of pictures I've seen of Australia)
-  Terracotta mud-brick/stucco Spanish style villas & beach houses
Those are just summaries obviously - but illustrate how these places are almost opposites! 

I have also been continuing to do some domesticated stuff. I just want to put a little N.B. in here and say that I am not an amazing baker or cook. And I have been enjoying having some more time to invest in getting better at it. I just follow recipes and have the assistance of kitchen gadgets to help me make food that thankfully is edible! Plus I have the added blessing of having a husband that is not fussy (thank you Lord!).

So anyway, I have been trying out some American recipes because some of them that I have tried at other people's houses are most excellent. In fact, I decided that I wanted to learn to cook some more American meals so I went out and managed to get (on special I might add), the Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook - which seems to be the equivalent of the Edmonds Cookbook in the US (in so far as most people seem to own it).

And I have discovered Snickerdoodles. My new most favourite cookies (plus isn't that a most excellent name? Haha). If I could I would write the name with sparkles and glowy lights, because that's just how it feels it should be written. These are basically vanilla cinnamon sugar cookies. Which sums up the deliciousness of them really.

Josh has been continuing to study like crazy. He has been getting stuck into Greek and Hebrew again, plus there is quite a bit of reading for his other classes now too. He gets pretty tied up all day, and then in the evenings - but we have meals together which is a really good time to catch up. We have also been able to have some of the other students over for dinner which is a good opportunity to get to know them better. There are some really cool people who are studying over here. And it's been an awesome blessing for Josh to be able to find some people who he can study with really well. He has also been really enjoying his Professors. These guys have a looooooot of knowledge in their heads, and are very good at imparting it back to the students. So although the workload seems like it is a huge amount at times for Josh (and it is) - we are just constantly aware of how blest we are to be able to study and learn from the people over here. 

Plus it has been fun to be able to spend a little more time with the other Kiwi students! I pinched this photo off Albert & Hanneke's blog - which you can check out here. :)

Well that is all for now - but there will be more a little later in the week! :D 

Thursday 29 August 2013


Hi everyone! 

I thought it was about time for an update for ya'll. :) Things have been getting busier as summer is drawing to a close and things are starting up again over here in the US. Kids are heading back to school, high school graduates are heading to college, and Josh has officially started seminary! 

The intensive languages are over - and with all his hard work he passed the Intensive Greek course really well, and also the Introduction to Hebrew. The languages will continue as the years progress, but now he has started his other courses as well. This past week we attended the Seminary Orientation Day, which was spent with the other 'freshmen' - or first year students. So we got to know them and learn a little more about them which was great. 

There is such an amazingly diverse group of people studying in Josh's class. They come from all over the world, and from very different backgrounds. There is a brief summary of each of the students that is going to be published in the seminary newsletter soon, so I will link it through for you to read - some of these guys have experienced some pretty amazing (and humbling) stuff. It is a constant reminder to us of how privileged we are to be here. 

We also met the Professors - who are of such a high calibre - again, very humbling! They look like they are going to be excellent for Josh to learn under, and have placed an awesome emphasis on exhorting the students to keep a balance between the academics of the course (which does need to be learnt so that the students can pass) but also maintaining humility, and remembering why they are there studying in the first place. It's been very encouraging.

A couple of weekends ago Josh and I had the opportunity to go and spend some time away with another couple from the seminary. They had very kindly invited us along to spend some time with them at a resort (which sounds very fancy to us Kiwi's - and it was very nice - but it is a pretty common thing over here. Much like Kiwi's would go away to a bach for a weekend, here people go away to a resort). The weekend had been donated to them, so they very generously shared their gift with us. 

It was really cool to spend time getting to know this couple better and it was really good for both of the guys to have 'time out' after the Intensive Greek course had finished. I think that Josh's brain needed a bit of a rest! 

Pretty sunsets
Illinois - very vast, and very flat (and there's lots of corn).

At the resort they had a swimming pool and mini golf course among other activities that again, you could do for free! So it was fun - they taught us how to play Shuffleboard (Josh and I weren't the best at it, haha but we had fun), we had a round of the mini-golf, and then in the evening we played 'Lord of the Rings' Risk (and we were all still friends afterwards). :D It was a lot of fun - and we were so thankful for the opportunity to get away for a couple of nights and see a little more of Illinois. 

Shuffleboard - lots of fun! 
Mini golf can be hilarious - apparently.
We played in teams and Josh & I were the baddies so we got the cave trolls - hehehehe
On Tuesday this week was the Seminary Retreat - which was a day spent at a conference centre with all the professors and students currently attending the seminary. They had a speaker who was a graduate of the Mid-America, currently pastoring a church in Canada. He spoke really well, and had some excellent advice for the students, as well as being an encouragement. Then we all got to know each other better over some good food! It was a really fun day. 

So that's pretty much brings us up to date - hopefully more soon. In the meantime I leave you with this super cool caterpillar that we discovered the other week. Josh and I were 'ooh-ing' and 'ahh-ing' over it, and I patted it - and I think that the American people who we were with thought that we were nuts. It was really cute though - don't you think? :D It's so fluffy! 

Thursday 22 August 2013

New Tabs

Howdy everyone!

Just a quick update - before I have to pop out and pick Josh up from class (he walked over to school this morning, but it has been raining today, so I took pity on him). :)

You may notice that there are a couple of new tabs up the top of the page (just above this post), entitled 'J', 'H', and 'U S of A'. I thought I'd explain a little about what they are all about. :)

Both of us have been really enjoying getting stuck into learning more about the Bible, and Josh in particular has been finding it really fantastic to devote this time to learning more about our faith! And he has been getting a lot out of it already. I have been really enjoying working my way through some good devotional material, and reading some excellent books - and both of us feel like there are things that we have learnt and read that we would love to share with people! So the 'J' tab (as you have probably figured out by now) is for Josh to update you all on some things that he has been learning that he has found interesting. And the 'H' one is for me - sometimes there is a verse that is just too good not to share. :) 

The 'U S of A' tab is something that a good friend encouraged me to do. This country has a lot of similarities to NZ, but there are also a lot of quirky little differences that we will probably look back on in the future, and perhaps even miss! It's interesting to know what is different, and perhaps we could even learn something from it - so this is our tab of interesting uniqueness from America. :) Things that are interestingly unique to us as Kiwi's anyway (and perhaps a few things that we do that the American's think are 'interestingly unique' too). :D

Hope that all makes sense! And hopefully we can keep this updated for you all too. :) 
Til next time...

Monday 12 August 2013

Finally, an update!

Allo everyone,

Sorry that it has been such a while since our last update - the reason being that we moved into our apartment just over a week ago, and haven't had internet! So Lord willing, we will be getting that hooked up this coming Wednesday. 

In the meantime, we have been SUPER blessed - with being able to move into our own place, get set up with a lot of generously donated (and very nice I might add) furniture and items for everyday living, and also continuing to enjoy church life and getting to know people better!

Josh has still been busy with intensive Greek. He had another big exam last week, and did well - so that is a huge blessing, his hard work is paying off. This is his last week of the course, and he has the final exam this coming Friday. 

Our fellow Kiwi's, Albert, Hanneke and their girls, are coming back tomorrow - so we are really looking forward to hanging out with them in 'real life'! Haha - up to this point we have been in communication with them via email, Skype and phone - so it will be cool to meet them. :)

I have been keeping occupied with going for walks around our new neighbourhood, bike rides, and spending time with church and seminary friends which has been really nice. Also been investing time in some cooking and baking - I made some strawberry jam last week which was lots of fun, and it even came out tasting yum. :) 

A local home-schooling group has asked me if I would be willing to take the children for some art classes, so I am also going to be busy coming up with some lesson plans for that over the next couple of weeks. Josh will have a couple of days off to recuperate from Greek, before starting a short course in Hebrew. Then I think he has a week off before the Fall semester begins. :) He is still enjoying study, although has been pretty tired just lately in particular. 

Another couple who have moved here to study at seminary too, called in on us over the weekend and very kindly brought us some house warming gifts! They gave Josh the mug pictured below - they already have him figured out. He does love his coffee. :D

Hopefully we will have our internet set up on Wednesday, and then I can be a bit more regular with our updates. In the meantime, hope you are all well. Your prayers would be appreciated for Josh as he preps for his final exam on Friday. Also he has been feeling a bit under the weather for the past couple of days, so prayer for his health would be amazing too. Thank you so much! 

Friday 26 July 2013

Bike Trails & Pie

Thought I would share with you all an outing that we had the other night. A (very cool) group of people from our church go biking every Wednesday evening during the summer, and they invited us along.  

There are quite a few bike trails through the towns here in northern Indiana - and they have been converted from abandoned train track routes. They run through some really pretty countryside, and it was a gorgeous evening, so I got a couple of pictures just to give you an idea. 

I even took a little (albeit wobbly & low quality) video for your viewing pleasure. :) All up I think we cycled about 15 miles (24 kilometers) - so not bad! 

Afterwards, we experienced a real treat of visiting a restaurant called 'Baker's Square' where we enjoyed dinner and pie! It was 'free pie Wednesday' so you received a free piece of pie with a main purchase. I wanted to go really good and American as part of this experience so I had the Peanut Butter Cup pie (N.B. this pic is courtesy of the Baker's Square website, because I didn't get a picture of mine - but it looked just like this)...

I couldn't fit it in at the restaurant - I was too full from dinner (which was a lovely chicken breast with roast veggies and greens, so pretty healthy I might add! I I know, I'm just trying to justify the pie now), so I took it home to enjoy the next day. 

Needless to say, it took me 3 (yes three) goes to finish this piece of pie. It was A-mazing - but soooo rich. Hahaha so I paced myself and had a little bit after lunch, then at afternoon tea, and then after dinner! Josh had the Three Berry Pie, which looks a little healthier than my Peanut Butter one - but let's be honest, if you worried about health, then you shouldn't be eating pie in the first place. 'Healthy Pie' is an oxymoron. :)

All up it was a really fun night, and great to spend some more time getting to know the others! We have been so blest with good friends and opportunities over here already!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Spiritual Check Up

We had an Elder's visit last week, in regards to wanting to join Redeemer Church. It was a really nice time spent with the two visiting Elders who came, and they asked us some really good questions. 

One thing that they gave us just before leaving was a document entitled 'Annual Spiritual Check Up'. I have to confess I only just read it this morning, but it is very good! So I thought that I would share it on here. 

It is from the C.S. Lewis Institute website, and explains itself well (as well as poses some very good and challenging questions for us to ask ourselves)...

C.S. Lewis Institute 
Discipleship of Heart and Mind 

Annual Spiritual Checkup 
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments.”  Matthew 22:37-40 

Each year many of us will go through a physical check-up, perhaps do a financial check up at year’s end or at tax time, and perhaps do a performance review at our workplace.   But how often do we take time to review our spiritual life? 
Those who are saved by grace are called to grow in grace (2 Pet. 3.18).  As disciples of Jesus, we are to live a life of love – love for God and love for our neighbor, in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Too often, in the busyness of our day-to-day lives, we let other priorities crowd out the two highest priorities Jesus gave us.   The following questions are designed to help you examine your spiritual life over the past year and to prayerfully seek God’s help in areas where you desire to grow in the New Year.    

Loving God with all your heart, soul and mind. 
1. How is my personal relationship with God? 
  • Do I have a growing desire to spend more time with God? Am I spending appropriate time praying, reading and meditating on the word?
  • Am I growing in my desire to obey and please God?  Do I obey out of gratitude for God’s love?  Or from guilt or fear? 
  • Have I fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit?  Do I ask God to fill me each day with the Holy Spirit? 
  • Are there areas I am holding back from God?  Which ones?  Why? 
  • Am I more aware of the sins in my life? Do I repent on a daily basis and receive forgiveness and cleansing from God. Have I fully, truthfully repented of all past and current sins? 
2. Am I actively serving God?  
  • Volunteering at church? 
  • Praying regularly for the pastor, staff, missionaries and volunteers? 
  • Am I seeking to make others feel welcome in my church? 
  • Doing my job with excellence? 
  • Reaching out to those around me? 
3. Am I growing in my desire and actions to give sacrificially to God’s work in the church, in caring for the poor, and in other ministries?  
  • Am I teaching my children about sacrificial giving and putting God before materialistic desires? 
4. Am I living in humility before God, my family, friends and co-workers?

5. Is there evidence of grace growing in my life? 
  • Do I thank God every day for his love, grace and mercy and saving me from what I deserve? 
  • Am I seeing evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in my life (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)? 
  • Am I learning to see others through the mind of Christ?  
  • Am I treating others with the same grace God has shown me? 

Loving Your Neighbor 
6. Am I loving my family as I should? 
  • Husbands, are you loving your wives? How, specifically? 
  • Wives, are you respecting your husbands?  How, specifically? 
  • Parents – are we teaching our children the Bible, how to pray, and how to please God? 
  • Children, are you honoring your parents?  How, specifically? 
  • Am I managing my time in a way that reflects God’s priorities and honors my family relationships?  What specific changes are needed? 
  • Are there any outside influences that are harming my family relationships?  If so, what will I do about them? 
7. Am I forgiving others?
  • Is there anyone among my family, friends, neighbors or co- workers that I refuse to forgive?  
  • Do I fully trust that God has forgiven my sins? 
8. Am I growing in fellowship with other believers? 
  • Am I part of a small group?  Is it making a difference in the lives of participants? 
  • Do I have a godly mentor to help me grow in my walk with Christ? 
  • Am I mentoring / discipling a newer believer? 
9. Have I personally witnessed to anyone in the past year? 
  • In my neighborhood?
  • In my workplace?
  • Am I prepared to share my testimony? To share the Gospel?  
  • Am I fervently praying for and planning opportunities to witness in this coming year?
  • Am I being salt and light in my neighborhood, workplace and social groups? How, specifically? 
10. Am I focusing part of my time and money to help the poor and disadvantaged?  
  • Am I teaching my children about the importance of helping the poor?  How? 
Jesus says that if we love him, we will obey him (Jn. 14.15), and he calls us to grow in grace and love. Do you have a plan for growing in your love for God and love for your neighbor for this next year?  Will you prayerfully prepare one before the end of the year?  To help you grow in these areas, you’ll find a variety of resources on our website (

(N.B Just a note from Hannah - I don't claim to have written any of this - it is very good challenging stuff from the C.S. Lewis website. To read more you can visit their site - and you can also download a printable version of this Check-Up here. I think that they make a VERY good point when they say that this is something that we need to prioritize each year, and each day in our daily meditations - and it is something that I can confess I haven't been very good at. But what a blessing to have such a reminder right? And what a blessing that we have such a gracious God that will show us such patience, and send us gentle and loving reminders like this huh! It lends even more motivation to want to do it.)