
Friday 26 July 2013

Bike Trails & Pie

Thought I would share with you all an outing that we had the other night. A (very cool) group of people from our church go biking every Wednesday evening during the summer, and they invited us along.  

There are quite a few bike trails through the towns here in northern Indiana - and they have been converted from abandoned train track routes. They run through some really pretty countryside, and it was a gorgeous evening, so I got a couple of pictures just to give you an idea. 

I even took a little (albeit wobbly & low quality) video for your viewing pleasure. :) All up I think we cycled about 15 miles (24 kilometers) - so not bad! 

Afterwards, we experienced a real treat of visiting a restaurant called 'Baker's Square' where we enjoyed dinner and pie! It was 'free pie Wednesday' so you received a free piece of pie with a main purchase. I wanted to go really good and American as part of this experience so I had the Peanut Butter Cup pie (N.B. this pic is courtesy of the Baker's Square website, because I didn't get a picture of mine - but it looked just like this)...

I couldn't fit it in at the restaurant - I was too full from dinner (which was a lovely chicken breast with roast veggies and greens, so pretty healthy I might add! I I know, I'm just trying to justify the pie now), so I took it home to enjoy the next day. 

Needless to say, it took me 3 (yes three) goes to finish this piece of pie. It was A-mazing - but soooo rich. Hahaha so I paced myself and had a little bit after lunch, then at afternoon tea, and then after dinner! Josh had the Three Berry Pie, which looks a little healthier than my Peanut Butter one - but let's be honest, if you worried about health, then you shouldn't be eating pie in the first place. 'Healthy Pie' is an oxymoron. :)

All up it was a really fun night, and great to spend some more time getting to know the others! We have been so blest with good friends and opportunities over here already!

1 comment:

  1. All physical activities like this should be followed by dessert. I 100% support this logic.
