
Friday 28 June 2013

Word for the day - 'Derecho'

Well we have been here for over a week now and it has been a huge learning experience as well as a lot of fun. Josh has just the weekend to go before he starts intensive Greek, so in the meantime is making the most of recuperating from the jet lag and getting started with some study. I have managed to score myself a pretty nasty cold which isn't ideal, however the new experiences we are having is making up for it. :)

We got to go to Redeemer church last Sunday which was really great! The service and worship was very similar to home (even used the blue Psalter Hymnal) and the preaching was very good. It was convicting, encouraging, and thought provoking. The people were also really welcoming and friendly - not to mention generous! What a blessing to be far away from home and yet still find like-minded brothers and sisters. So Sunday was a fun day - it was nice to get out of the house as well, and have an opportunity to meet other people. We are hoping to go again this weekend and Lord willing make it our home church while we are here in the US.

Monday we spent most of the day at home catching up on some email writing and reading. On the weekend I was loaned the book 'Respectable Sins' by Jerry Bridges (author of 'The Pursuit of Holiness') and so far have been finding it really good to read - although it's very challenging! Which I suppose is part of the reason why it is so good. 

It's really cool to see all the American flags flying down the streets and on people's houses. 
Then we went and looked at cars. We are still trying to sort out getting our funds transferred from NZ which is turning out to be quite a process! It's pretty different to home that's for sure, and I guess just makes us really thankful for how straight forward some things are back home. 

Anyway, we went and had a look at cars which was quite fun. We saw one that could be a possibility, and I got to test drive it. :D It was a manual, which I was quite excited about, because I like driving manual, and I have been wanting to drive a new model of manual for a while just to give it a go. I think that the salesman was a bit shocked when we asked for the keys for a test drive - he raised his eyebrows and said 'It is a manual you realise?' - I just grinned my head off (most people over here drive autos). I just stuck to the sales yard rather than braving going out on the roads - haha not quite ready for that yet especially in a car that's not ours! So that could be an option, it will be great once we have a car and a way of getting ourselves around!

After trying out the car we then went to the seminary (we had someone from the seminary who was very graciously driving us around) - Josh and I waited in the car because it was just a visit to check in. So while we were waiting in the car I noticed that the sky to the west of us was looking dark. Really dark. Up to that point it had been  hot sunny weather with blue skies and a bit of cloud. 

Then BAM! - seriously it was practically that sudden there were massive black clouds over us and these crazy winds that were buffeting the car. I have to confess, it was quite freaky. A tree came down outside the seminary (just a medium sized one - but I was impressed). At first I was sure it was a small tornado, it really did feel like one - but apparently they get short burst storms like this quite often.

The ill fated tree outside the Seminary
As we drove back home there were quite a few branches off trees and scattered across the roads. I looked up the weather reports and as it turns out it was a 'derecho'. I had to look this one up:

"Derechoes are large clusters of thunderstorms that produce widespread wind damage, usually as a result of one or more curved lines of thunderstorms known as bow echoes. The word in the Spanish language means "straight" and these windstorms leave wide, long swaths of straight-line wind damage. These winds can be as strong as 50 to 100 mph or higher." 

So there you go, learn something new everyday. :) All up we are so thankful for how God is providing for us in our time over here so far. He has given us food to eat each day, a very comfortable place to stay, and much more. Plus we survived our first summer storm. :D 

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